Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Ticket to Australia, "Cause it's Further Away"

Today was a long day. My husband and I hosted a fund-raiser for our kids' school and spent the week prepping the house, cooking etc. I averaged 5 hours of sleep all week - so as I told some friends, my bad personality traits were intensified this week. But finally, party night arrived and it was fun, only my kids didn't go to bed until midnight - which, as many of you know, means hell the next day.

So it was with us much so that as I reached my wits end, I said "I need to go outside and have a break from you kids." My husband shot me a daggered look, and my daughter, with sad anger in her eyes said..."great, so why don't you just go to costa rica, buy yourself a ticket and just go. Or better yet, make it Australia, it's further away." Nice.

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